Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ethnography Project Update and Questions!

I want to talk more about my group's ethnography project, and also ask some question that may help us out.  So as of right now our group decided to go with making a video for our ethnography project.  We decided to have sort of a compilation of information, interviews, and discussions to give a deeper meaning to our topic, architecture.  Do you all think a video like this would be boring?  If so, what would make it better?  Our project on the other hand is coming along well.  We each have a our own sub-topic and have already started investigating them on a deeper level.  I would have to say that our topic is pretty interesting though.  By doing this project I have really begun to step back and look for deeper meanings in everything I come across on a daily basis.  I think this ethnography project is really cool, and I can't wait for you all to see our video!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Ethnography Project Updates!

My group's ethnography project on Architecture is coming along well.  We have decided to focus our attention on three main topics which are, architecture within academic buildings, general buildings, and within the classroom.  I think this is a good start for us because we all have different focus points to dig into while bringing our project back to the central topic.  I think our idea of creating sort of a compilation video to provide answers to our different questions will be a great.  The only problem that we may run into is finding out how to use the movie maker website that Lacy sent to us.  Somehow though, we will make it work, hopefully!  Wish us luck!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

  • Pizzato, Mark. Personal interview. 1 Nov. 2012.

I plan on conducting this interview some time soon.  This interview is important because it will help me understand more significance behind Robinson Hall.  I will also conduct this interview to stress the importance of architecture, and how architecture can affect a classes style of learning.  In this interview I will ask question of how teaching in this particular classroom in Robinson Hall may be different from teaching in any other classes.

  • Manship, Lacy. "#freehand1101." Map. Ed. Kedric M. Wright. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print.
This map created by Professor Lacy was very useful in choosing which building would be better to analyze specific architectural differences, downfalls, and improvements.  When using this map I noticed that all of the buildings on this campus have their own unique shape, which made it much easier to choose which building to look closer at.  In choosing Robinson Hall I noticed that it's shape is not as unique compared to other theatre buildings.  This map was very helpful in helping me recognize this.

  • Diao, Dr. Yuanan. "Professor Interview." Telephone interview.
This interview will be used as a contrast interview to my other interview.  This specific professor teaches math in a lecture style classroom, and I would like to find out if this is easier or hard to do.  In this interview I will ask specific questions about the architecture of the classroom, and if he believes it helps or hurts to effectiveness of his teaching.  The usefulness of this interview is to use as a control group to my previous interview of Professor Pizzato.