Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Good Video Games, Good Learning.

I want to talk more here about the "Good Video Games,  Good Learning" passage.  This passage really interested my because it focused a lot on the connections between a good, "educational" video game, and actual growth and development of a child.  James Paul Gee gives us a list of insightful things that a good video game can provide to a child.  This words on this list are all collectively critical in the social development of a child.  This passage interested me because it tells us that these traits don't only have to acquired formally, but they can be learned from a video game.  This wold almost certainly cause kids to play more video games, but also help them to grow and develop.


  1. I agree with you and found this interesting. I never really thought games had any productive use, but it is awesome to now find out they can be used for learning and development.

  2. At first when I started readin Gee's passage I thought I was going to hate it, but I think how he related it to real life got me more interested. Not everything you learn has to be in a formal setting like school, video games and even sports teach life lessons that we need to succeed

  3. I agree with you, I thought the article that James Paul Gee wrote was pretty cool. Games have lots of potential for bringing about educational growth and the connections he wrote were pretty awesome.
