Wednesday's class discussion really interested me in looking more into success, and what it looks like. Lately I have been thinking a lot about life. When kids are growing up all you hear them talk about is becoming a lawyer, doctor, architect, engineer, or what have you. But where do the normal people come from? What about our social workers, teachers, bank tellers, or mail couriers come from. I call these filler jobs, or jobs that fill in everyday society, our NORMAL people. How many kids do you hear growing up saying they want to be a bank teller after they graduate......not many? Right. But why is that?! I have not always viewed success as doing whatever makes you happy, not content, but HAPPY! For majority of my life I have viewed success as having an amazing home, white picket fence, wonderful family, trophy wife, and a dog named Spot. But that can't be what makes everyone happy. What if what makes me happy is a nice 900 sqft. apartment with bad parking, overlooking a nice local park, single, and a cat named Pepper?! This leads me to my point! This picture really upsets me......
I really do not agree with how easy, simple, and one-tracked they are making college admissions look. They make it seem as if there is only one way to make it to college, by following their exact steps. But what if there steps don't make you happy? What if you don't like college visits? What if you take the ACT instead of the SAT, can you still go to college?! I really just think that everyone one has a different goal for success, and a different path of taking to get there. In society we always tend to generalize everything and make it seem one-sided. We now know that nothing in life is truly one-sided and a person's success cannot be defined by anyone else.