Monday, April 15, 2013

Mini Project #3

Here I made another found poem on a screen cast-o-matic!  My poem uses different words and phrases from many different education sources that I have found online.  This week I decided to focus on the negative effect of media on education, and if there is one or not.  When reading many different sources I discovered that the conversation on whether or not media has a negative influence on education is all over the place, with many different points of view.  On the positive side, media in education allows a student to become themselves.  Students get to create an online identity in which they can say whatever they want, to whomever they want.  Many scholars, such as James Paul Gee, feel as this ability for a student to create their own "identity" is a powerful tool in helping a student learn.  I agree with this as well.  I know media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, or even a cellphone allow students to be themselves and explore certain things that they can't or wouldn't be allowed to in school.  However, I do also believe that the media has a negative effect on education and learning.  First thought is,  just think of how impressionable students are!  Students can see something in the media, good or bad, and think it is the greatest thing since sliced bread!  This was the argument for the negative influences of media in education.  I also agree with this side too!  I feel as if the media will allow students to create a false identity, with 99% of the time this identity being a negative one.  Even when it comes to education, a student will feel the need to be wanted or popular within the media.  This leads students to do anything for attention.  The media has also engaged in lots of idolization and stereotyping lately.  This causes students to idolize the wrong things in the media.  The wrong things being a woman who is famous for being with multiple men.  Or a man who is famous for stealing or doing things that are illegal.  I don't think our media has a real understanding that these kinds of behavior translate back to us students and terribly affect our education.  In this conversation about media as it happens around the world I believe the positive side is winning.  We see the media being incorporated more and more education in school around the world.  This matters to me as it should to every other student around the world because it our education.  These behaviors in the media, negative and positive, are changing much more than we realize.  In my opinon I think we should cut back on media in education as it relates to the negatives.  I know I probably sound crazy going back and forth in my projects, but this is such an interesting topic and it can go both ways!  Someone play devil's advocate, what do y'all think?!

Link to my video on Youtube, just in case it doesn't show up! Click here


  1. Very cool! I like how you showed both sides of the argument to present a balance project.
    Well since you asked to play devils advocate... haha. Couldn’t the media say that its there job to report the news and give people the tools, and not to censor? That it should be up to the teachers to decide what goes into the curriculum and the parents to decide what curriculum or school to buy into? Just a thought. =P
    Very cool project though! I believe that media can be very powerful in learning.

  2. Very good argument. I also agree with you that media seems to have a negative effect on our educational system. I also agree with the fact that it seems like media and technology are being used for more good every day that goes by. I remember in high school I was going to try and take notes with my ipad and my teacher wouldn't let me not because he didn't trust me, but because he didn't trust everyone else. I think technology is making a huge impact on our style of education. I wonder if instead of always buying notebooks our children will just get an ipad and they will use that for notes and classes.

  3. I feel like the media only shows the negative things that go on, and every once in a while there's a positive thing here or there. Technology and media are positive, but they're also negative on our education system.
